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TBI Online Payment Service Guide
About the Service
- If you have been contacted by TBI Financial Services Ltd (TBI) regarding an outstanding balance you can make a payment using our online payment service.
- The TBI online payment service accepts most debit cards.
- Credit card payments are not accepted.
- There is no surcharge for making payment to TBI by card.
- The minimum payment amount which is accepted via the TBI online payment service is £5.00.
- Payments can only be authorised by the card holder.
- Payments can only be accepted from UK registered debit cards in GBP Sterling.
- This service is available 24 hours a day.
- We expect that payments made using the TBI online payment service to be credited to your TBI account on the next TBI working day.
- It may take three to five working days for your payment to clear via your card company.
- If you are making payments in relation to separate reference numbers you must make a separate payment for each reference.
- If you encounter any problems when making a payment via the TBI online payment service please contact us.
- If you are experiencing financial difficulties or have any concerns about the affordability of your payment(s) please contact us. You may also benefit from seeking assistance from an independent organisation which provides free debt advice.
What information do I need to provide to make a payment?
- Your TBI Agreement Number (printed on any correspondence you have received from us).
- Your full name, email address, account address and contact telephone number.
- The amount you wish to pay.
- Your debit card details.
What are the steps for making a payment?
- All payments made through the TBI online payment service are processed by First Data, a third party organisation who are a global leader in the payments industry.
- By clicking on the ‘Payment’ tab on our website you will be shown a ‘Make a Payment’ screen where you can submit your details. Although the screen is displayed on the TBI website, all payment information is collected by First Data. This means that none of your debit card details provided when making a payment via the TBI online payment system are collected by TBI.
- The transaction details will be forwarded to your card issuer for authentication.
- If you have registered with a ’Verified by Visa’ or ‘MasterCard SecureCode’ scheme you may be asked to enter a password to allow your payment to be processed.
- Your card issuer will confirm to First Data whether your payment has been authorised or declined and a screen will be displayed on the TBI website showing whether your submission has been successful or unsuccessful.
- If the submission is successful, an email will be sent to you confirming your payment details and your six digit authorisation code. This email receipt can be used as your proof of payment.
How we handle your personal information
- TBI uses the facilities of First Data, a global leader in the payments industry, to process your debit card transactions securely.
- For payments made using our online payment system, your debit card details are processed by First Data and are not collected by TBI.
- For information regarding First Data’s data privacy and security measures please visit their website.
- To view TBI’s Privacy Policy please click here.
- Any information you provide in relation to your contact details may be accessed and retained by TBI and will only be used to contact you should there be any queries regarding your payment or your account generally.